BICA Council
Council Members


Immediate Past President






Kara Culmer-Wilson

Donillo Culmer



Taneisha Dean-Hall

Darnell Osborne
Darnell is a Certified Public Accountant and a 1989 graduate of the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. She holds an Honors Bachelor of Arts Degree in Chartered Accountancy Studies.
She is currently the Financial Controller at the Insurance Company of the Bahamas, a local general insurance company. Darnell is currently a member and licensed Chartered Accountant of the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA). She was elected to BICA’s Council in 2011 and appointed Secretary in 2012. In June 2013, she was elected and appointed 1st Vice President and chaired the Investigations and Ethics Committee of the Council. In June 2014, she was elected as President of BICA. Darnell is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Gowon N.G. Bowe
First Vice-President
Gowon N.G. Bowe is a partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers Bahamas since 2010, in the Assurance and Business Advisory Services group. Gowon has responsibility for several of the Firm’s largest audit clients, is currently the advisory leader on several consulting projects with private and public sector entities, and has other areas of responsibility including the internal functions
Served as 2nd Vice President of BICA in 2014, current Chairman of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation and Chairman of the Chamber’s Coalition for Responsible Taxation. Gowon is a regular presenter/facilitator at seminars and training sessions, business/accounting related discussion forums.

Maurice Butler
Second Vice-President
Member of BICA since 1997 and served on BICA Council for the period 2006 – 2007, as Assistant Secretary and CPE Committee Chairman, and for the period 2014 – 2015 as CPE Committee Chairman. Currently employed by UBS Trustees (Bahamas) Ltd. as Head, Operations. Previous employments included UBS (Bahamas) Ltd. as Head, Controlling & Accounting, Banque SCS Alliance (Nassau) Ltd. as Head, Finance & Administration and KPMG. Lecturer in accounting and finance courses at the tertiary level.

Lawrence Lewis
Partner with Deloitte & Touche in The Bahamas with 20 years of professional experience in public accounting, risk advisory and management consulting services, including 9 years as a partner. He leads Deloitte’s Enterprise Risk Management Services across the Caribbean & Bermuda countries.
CPA and Certified Information Systems Auditor.
Previously served on BICA council in total 5 years, including 1 year as Vice President.

Chandrice Ferguson
Assistant Treasurer
Chandrice is currently the Manager – Financial Reporting and Regulation – For Bahamas First Group of Companies. She has worked in the Financial services industry since 1988.
BICA Service:
- CPE Committee Member – 2004-5
- Legislative Reform Committee member – 2014
- Council Member and Asst. Treasurer –2014
- Investigations & Ethics Committee – Chairperson 2014
She also has served as an advisor for Junior Achievement and with the youth of the Catholic Archdiocese.

Diveane Bowe
Partner, KPMG in The Bahamas since 2004
Partner in charge of the Risk Advisory Services and People, Performance & Culture
Key Industry experience:
Financial Services – Investments Funds, Private and Commercial Banking; Public Sector; Hospitality – Hotel Operations; Utilities – Telecommunications; Maritime– Shipping Entities
Certified Public Accountant, Georgia, USA.
Member of the Georgia Society of CPA’s, AICPA and licensed member of BICA

Talia Sweeting
Assistant Secretary
Talia is an audit director and Chief Financial Officer, Deloitte and Touche Bahamas where she has over 13 years of professional experience. She graduated from the College of The Bahamas where she received both business and accounting awards and is a CPA.
Served on BICA council a total of 3 years in the capacities of CPE chair, Treasurer and Student Committee chair and 1 year as a member of the technical committee.

Jacqueline Hunt
Jacqueline is a licensed member of BICA and has served in the past as secretary in 2002, 2010 and assistant secretary 2014. Served as chair of the Disciplinary committee 2010 & 2014.
Recipient of the Bahamas Compliance Officer of the year in 2007 and BFSB’s Professional of the year 2008
She is currently employed with Commonwealth Bank Bahamas Limited as the Assistant Vice-President, Internal Audit and instructor for the Bahamas Institute of Financial Services. Member of the Georgia Society of CPA’s, AICPA and CGMA

Pretino Albury
Assistant Registrar
Pretino is from Freeport Grand Bahama. He began his career in accounting at Deloitte and Touche in Nassau, Bahamas. Having served at that firm for over 10 years in Nassau and throughout the United States of America which he ascended to Senior Manager during his tenure at Deloitte, Pretino decided to work along in a boutique firm (AGM Partners) where he now serves as the Assurance, Tax and Financial Advisory Services Partner.

Natishkah Barrett
Born in Nassau, New Providence. Attended College of The Bahamas followed by Mount St. Clare College (Clinton, Iowa). A Certified Public Accountant and member of the State Board of Accountancy in Atlanta, Georgia since June 2000
Worked at KPMG (commencing 1995) followed by as short tenure at Freeport Concrete until 2001 when she began a small accounting practice with Mr. David Hamilton, Chartered Accountant, Freeport, Grand Bahamas. An avid tennis player, member of toastmasters, licensed BICA member.

Shaneska Kemp
Principal, KPMG in The Bahamas
Shaneska provides assurance and related services primarily to financial institutions (including banks, trust companies, investment companies and investment funds). Key clients in the banking industry include KPMG international clients and local clients.
Certified Public Accountant, Georgia, USA
Licensed member of The Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants

Cecile Greene
Cecile B Greene, 1987 graduate of Dalhousie University, qualified under Georgia State Board in 1989, member of Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants since 1989. Holder of a practice license.
CFO of Bahamas Electricity Corporation since 2009. Previously served in senior management in the financial services industry.
Served on BICAS Council for four non-consecutive terms. Chaired Disciplinary committee and co-chaired the recent Legislative Reform committee.

Dionne Comery
Dionne Comery, CPA, MBA has over 26 years’ experience in the financial services industry. She worked for the last 11 years in the Mutual Fund Industry with Citi Hedge Fund Services (Bahamas) Limited and Citco Fund Services (Bahamas) Ltd. She also worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers for 15 years of which 2 years spent on secondment with the Securities Commission of The Bahamas where she established the Inspection Department. She is currently the Treasurer and Chairperson of the Finance Committee at St. Agnes Anglican Church.

Terrance Bastian
Mr. Bastian was appointed Auditor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas on 1st August 2001 where he continues to serve.
He is a Certified Public Accountant and in 2014 served as a BICA Council member & Chair of the Practice Monitoring Committee.
He also serves as Member of the Governing Board of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the first Chairman on the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat Audit Committee (2011 to 2015).

Jasmine Davis Basitan
Ms. Davis is the current Vice President of Patient Finance at Doctors Hospital, the leading private medical facility in The Bahamas. She also co-chairs the Governments VAT Private Education Task Force responsible for assisting with the implementation of VAT.
Jasmine Davis was elected President of the ICAC in June 2015 and was first appointed to the ICAC Board as Alternate Director in June 2012. She currently chairs the ICAC’s Regional Education and Joint Seminar Committee and previously served as Vice President from June 2011-2013.